- There are different personality types: extrovert, introvert, ambivert, introverted extrovert, and extroverted introvert.
- The term “IntroExtroAmbivert” is introduced for someone who combines the traits of all three types (extrovert, introvert and ambivert) in a balanced way.
- Knowing your personality type can help you better understand yourself and make informed decisions about taking the best advantage of your strengths.
Are you struggling to figure out if you’re an extrovert, introvert, Introverted extrovert, or an extroverted introvert or ambivert? Read on to discover the definitions of each and the traits that make up each personality type, along with some tips for understanding yourself better!
With this guide, you’ll find out once and for all if you’re an extrovert, introvert, ambivert, or a mixture of all the traits. Let’s get to it!
Do you ever feel like you don’t fit into the extrovert or introvert box? You may like socializing with friends and family but also need time to recharge. Don’t worry – there’s a term for that: ambivert.

Ambiverts are folks with characteristics of both an extrovert and an introvert, so if this sounds like you, there’s a good chance you’re one!
Let’s explore the difference between extroverts, introverts, ambiverts, and those with a combination of the traits to learn more about which group you might belong to.
What Type of Person is an Extrovert
Extroverts draw energy from other people – they love being part of a social setting, talking and discussing topics, and generally prefer being with friends or family rather than alone.
Extroverts often take the initiative in social situations and enjoy talking about themselves and their experiences.

What Type of Person is an Introvert
Introverts draw energy from within – they don’t necessarily enjoy large social gatherings and prefer to spend time alone or in smaller groups.
They like to step back in conversations, preferring to listen rather than talk about themselves. Introverts can be shy but have great insight into topics as they are more observant than extroverts.

What Type of Person is an Introverted Extrovert
An introverted extrovert enjoys being part of a social group but also needs time to recharge. They don’t necessarily need the same level of social engagement as an extrovert, and they can be shy but enjoy having relationships with people.
What Type of Person is an Extroverted Introvert
An extroverted introvert loves spending time alone but also likes to be part of a group. They enjoy conversations with people and may even take the initiative in social settings, but they need time to recharge.
What is an Ambivert?

An ambivert has the characteristics of both an extrovert and an introvert. They can relate to the needs of both personality types, enjoying social gatherings but also needing their time to recharge.
Ambiverts tend to be skilled at adapting their behavior to whatever situation they find themselves in – they often enjoy activities that involve both individual and teamwork.
Could You be an Introextroambivert?
If you have the characteristics of all three personality types (introvert, extrovert, and ambivert), then it’s possible that you could be an introextroambivert.
An introextroambivertis someone who combines the traits of each type in a balanced way – they enjoy socializing but also need their own time, have insight into topics through observation and conversation, and can adapt their behavior to different situations.

So, if you’re unsure whether you’re an extrovert, introvert, ambivert, or a mixture of all three, it’s worth exploring each to determine where your personality falls.
Knowing your personality type can help you better understand yourself and make informed decisions about taking the best advantage of your strengths.