Many people struggle to decide between Spain and Italy when it comes to finding the perfect European getaway or full-time home. With both Mediterranean countries offering stunning beaches, historical attractions, vibrant nightlife, and delicious cuisine, deciding which side of the boot is right for you can be tricky! So how do you choose?

Read on as we explore the differences between these two countries so that you can make the best decision for your individual needs.

The Climate

Starting with climate, both countries offer what we imagine is a typically Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters. However, Northern Italy does experience slightly cooler weather compared to Spain due to its location.

Italy is known for its frequent yearly rainfall, whereas Spain is home to a much drier climate apart from in the north of Spain, where the climate is similar to southern England.

The Cities

Regarding cities, Italy is known for its illustrious attractions in Rome, such as the Pantheon, Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and historic towns like Florence.

On the other hand, Spanish cities also offer plenty of cultural attractions, including the Alhambra palaces, El Paseo del Arte with its Prado Museum, and the Guggenheim in Madrid and Bilbao are fantastic examples of modern art museums.

Food and Drink

Italian cuisine is world-renowned for its delicious pasta dishes and cheese-based meals. Italian specialties vary from region to region, but staples include lasagna, pizza, and ravioli.

Spanish cuisine is also varied, but its best-known dishes are chorizo sausage, jamon serrano ham, and paella with rice and seafood. Both countries have a long tradition of excellent wine production – Italy for red wines such as Chianti or Barolo and Spain for its Rioja or Cava.


Despite their close proximity, Italy and Spain have quite different lifestyles. Italians are very traditional, with a strong emphasis on preserving the old ways of life. This is reflected in their work ethics, where people still prefer to take an afternoon siesta and enjoy leisurely lunches.

Spain has a more progressive outlook, with legalized same-sex marriages and longer working hours, although the way the working day is set out, both Spain and Italy agree that long lunches are vital.

People from both countries begin working early in the morning before the day’s heat takes over, close for two-three hours from 1 to 4 pm, and then open up again from 4 pm until 8-9 pm, depending on the season or time of the year.

Cost of Living

The cost of living varies greatly in both countries depending on your chosen region and city. However, imported items are generally much more expensive in Italy than in Spain, while fuel and electricity are more expensive. On the other hand, food is still affordable in both countries, and accommodation may be old but usually well-maintained.

Ultimately, deciding between Spain and Italy depends on your needs regarding climate, attractions, lifestyle, and cost of living. Both countries offer stunning beaches, historical sights, delicious cuisine, and friendly people – so why not explore both? However, if you’re still unsure which is best for you, then take some time to research the individual cities and towns to make an informed decision based on you and your family’s needs.